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Bewertungen für Dr. med. Giampiero Arciero

Diese Bewertungen geben den subjektiven Eindruck eines Nutzers wieder. Wenn es nur wenige Bewertungen gibt, ist es möglich, dass die Gesamtbewertung nicht repräsentativ ist.
Basierend auf
1 Bewertungen
Nimmt Anliegen ernst
Informiert umfassend und verständlich
Wird von Patienten weiterempfohlen
von verifiziertem Patienten
Psychoorganische Erkrankungen
major complaints disappeared after as little as 4 consultations
I came to Giampiero with a host of complaints that seem to lie somewhere at the border between body and mind. after as little as 4 consultations, two of my major complaints went away. I am happy as a bird!!! :) how was this brought about? Giampiero is very approachable and easygoing. what I instantly liked when meeting him the first time: he is NOT one of those many psychologists/psychiatrists who just sit silently and say from time to time "tell me more...". To the contrary, he actively searches for possible reasons for my complaints. while doing so, I feel as a partner in this search and not as an object of treatment. and what I have never seen before in any doctor or psychiatrist or psychologist: he is able to fully let you profit from his academic research experience, combined with decades of practical experience with patients, while at the same time being fully patient-oriented. in other words, I feel I get the best of research in a personal and caring way. I feel every time I meet him how his mind is working in order to get me the best ideas to advance in treatment. and, when I have questions, I got them really answered in a way that I understand my illness, I wanted homework and I got it in a way that helps me every week to proceed. excuses for this report filled with superlatives, but this is how I feel and this is what I received.
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