Dr. med.
Cecile Dang
rue du Mont-Blanc 22, 1201 Genève
+41 22 732 34 66Suche läuft
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Bewertungen für Dr. med. Cecile Dang
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Basierend auf
1 Bewertungen
Nimmt Anliegen ernst
Informiert umfassend und verständlich
Wird von Patienten weiterempfohlen
von verifiziertem Patienten
Psychoorganische Erkrankungen
openminded psychiatrist
She took my strange complaints very seriously and adapted nicely to my style of work (I like homework a lot, thus enabling to do something in order to improve my condition). We did a great work of sorting out which of my complaints are likely psychological and which are likely bodily. Finally, we agreed that many are probably bodily in origin but there are also complaints of psychological origin. I liked this a big lot: a psychiatrist who does not try to convince you that everything on the planet is psycho, but who discusses and analyses in a collaborative and openminded way possibilities. And, she always nicely helps me out with English, when my French vocabulary is not yet sufficient to say what I want.