Dipl. Physiotherapeut
André Klijnsma
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Bewertungen für Dipl. Physiotherapeut André Klijnsma
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Basierend auf
1 Bewertungen
Nimmt Anliegen ernst
Informiert umfassend und verständlich
Wird von Patienten weiterempfohlen
von verifiziertem Patienten
Andere Hauterkrankungen
Nice doctor
André was very friendly and went to a lot of effort (I believe) to ensure I was comfortable with the manipulations being performed, by chatting about family life etc. This was appreciated, however I would have preferred to hear in more detail what he was actually finding out during the manipulations and what his ultimate 'presumptive diagnosis' was.
For example - I went into the consult thinking that I was having sacroiliac pain due to being pregnant and the influence of the hormone relaxin on the pelvis causing excessive laxity and therefore joint instability, and thought I might be required to do strengthening exercises.
However, I believe that the problem might have been more due to inflexibility of the pelvis, but I am not sure how that is related to the pregnancy (I never had a problem with this region until the past 3 weeks). More details on André's thoughts would have been interesting.