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Recensioni per Dr. med. Markus Ammann

Queste valutazioni riflettono la percezione soggettiva dell'utente. Con un piccolo numero di recensioni, è possibile che la valutazione globale non sia rappresentativa.
Valutazione complessiva
Basato su
4 recensioni
Rapporto di fiducia
Prende sul serio le preoccupazioni
Comportamento informativo
Informare in modo completo e comprensibile
Raccomandato dai pazienti
da Paziente Verificato
Andere Hauterkrankungen
Best ginecologist ever.
I was a patient of Dr. Ammann in both of my pregnancies. The first one run without complications. My baby came later (induced birth) and Dr. Ammann check on it every second day until the induction. I know others doctors who have not done that (with all the risks that involves). For the second one I expected twins that shared the placenta, which represents a serious risk. He detected that in the first check up (1 month pregnant) and immediately informed me about the possible complications. He arranged that I was also checked by another doctor (a specialist in imaging) during most of my pregnancy and was extremely responsible. I felt cared and supported and in the best possible hands.
da Paziente Verificato
Vorsorgeuntersuchungen (Gynäkologie)
Er hat eine spezielle Art, aber ist trotzdem vertrauensvoll und kompetent
da Paziente Verificato
Andere Hauterkrankungen
Ein Arzt wie er sein sollte
sehr kompetent, ehrlich, offen und direkt, grosse erfahrung und "menschlich". das ganze praxis-team ist hilfsbereit und "immer für einem da..."
da Paziente Verificato
Andere Hauterkrankungen
Der Arzt meines Vertrauens!
Ich hatte Toxoplasmos im ersten Trimenon, was für uns beide neu war. Er hat alle Informationen herbeigeholt, auch mir gezeigt und wir haben uns beraten. Er hat schnell und kompetent gehandelt und weitere Untersuchungen selbst für mich organisiert.
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