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Dipl. Physiotherapeut André Klijnsma n’offre actuellement aucun rendez-vous en ligne
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Témoignages pour Dipl. Physiotherapeut André Klijnsma

Ces témoignages reflètent la perception subjective de l'utilisateur. Si il n’y a que très peu d'avis, il est possible que l'évaluation globale ne soit pas représentative.
Evaluation globale
Basé sur
1 témoignages
Relation de confiance
Prend les préoccupations au sérieux
Comportement en matière d'information
Informe de manière complète et compréhensible
Recommandé par les patients
par le Patient Vérifié
Andere Hauterkrankungen
Nice doctor
André was very friendly and went to a lot of effort (I believe) to ensure I was comfortable with the manipulations being performed, by chatting about family life etc. This was appreciated, however I would have preferred to hear in more detail what he was actually finding out during the manipulations and what his ultimate 'presumptive diagnosis' was. For example - I went into the consult thinking that I was having sacroiliac pain due to being pregnant and the influence of the hormone relaxin on the pelvis causing excessive laxity and therefore joint instability, and thought I might be required to do strengthening exercises. However, I believe that the problem might have been more due to inflexibility of the pelvis, but I am not sure how that is related to the pregnancy (I never had a problem with this region until the past 3 weeks). More details on André's thoughts would have been interesting.
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