Dr. med.
Thomas Sautter
Place of work
Uroclinic WetzikonSearching
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Dr. med. Thomas Sautter
Facharzt für Urologie FMH
Kompetenzen und Spezialgebiete
Fellow of European Board of Urology (FEBU)
Schwerpunkt operative Urologie
Other places of work of Dr. med. Thomas Sautter
Dr. med. Thomas Sautter works also in the following locations:

Uroclinic Pfäffikon SZ
Churerstrasse 54, 8808 Pfäffikon SZ

Uroclinic Rapperswil
Kniestrasse 29, 8640 Rapperswil

Spital Wetzikon
Allgemein Abteilung
Spitalstrasse 60, 8620 Wetzikon
Reviews for Dr. med. Thomas Sautter
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