Dr. med.
Mustafa G. Hasdemir
Place of work
Hauptbahnhofstrasse 8, 4500 Solothurn
+41 32 621 84 25Searching
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Dr. med. Mustafa G. Hasdemir is a specialist in neurosurgery with extensive experience in the treatment of diseases of the nervous system. He practices at the S...
Other places of work of Dr. med. Mustafa G. Hasdemir
Dr. med. Mustafa G. Hasdemir works also in the following locations:

Rückenpraxis Bern
Laupenstrasse 6, 3008 Bern

Salem Spital
Schänzlistrasse 39, 3013 Bern

Klinik Beau-Site
Schänzlihalde 11, 3013 Bern
Reviews for Dr. med. Mustafa G. Hasdemir
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