Dr. med.
Katharina Rupp
Place of work
Sangenstrasse 7, Weinfelden Address
Sangenstrasse 7, 8570 Weinfelden
+41 71 622 39 79Searching
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Reviews for Dr. med. Katharina Rupp
These reviews reflect the subjective impression of a user. If there are only a few reviews, it is possible that the overall assessment is not representative.
Overall rating
Based on
1 reviews
Bond of trust
Takes concerns seriously
Information behavior
Informs comprehensively and understandably
Recommended by patients
by Verified Patient
Netzhaut (Retina) / Sehnerv / Gefässe
Sorgfältige und kompetente Betreuung
Wegen einer unerwarteten Netzhautablösung kam ich notfallmässig ans Augenzentrum Weinfelden. Die Operation fand am
Spital SG statt. Frau Dr. Rupp hat mich kompetent und mit viel Einfühlungsvermögen nachbetreut.