Dr. med.
Helen Segmüller
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Dr. Helen Segmüller is a specialist in Orthopedic Surgery and Hand Surgery with extensive experience in the treatment of hand and wrist conditions. She is a co-...
Other places of work of Dr. med. Helen Segmüller
Dr. med. Helen Segmüller works also in the following locations:

Unterer Quai 92 / Quai du Bas 92, Biel/Bienne
Unterer Quai 92 / Quai du Bas 92, 2502 Biel/Bienne
Reviews for Dr. med. Helen Segmüller
These reviews reflect the subjective impression of a user. If there are only a few reviews, it is possible that the overall assessment is not representative.
Overall rating
Based on
1 reviews
Bond of trust
Takes concerns seriously
Information behavior
Informs comprehensively and understandably
Recommended by patients
by Verified Patient
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