Dr. med.
Claude Graemiger
Place of work
Avenue de la Praille 30, 1227 Carouge
+41 22 342 22 21Searching
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Learn moreReviews for Dr. med. Claude Graemiger
These reviews reflect the subjective impression of a user. If there are only a few reviews, it is possible that the overall assessment is not representative.
Overall rating
Based on
1 reviews
Bond of trust
Takes concerns seriously
Information behavior
Informs comprehensively and understandably
Recommended by patients
by Verified Patient
Andere Stoffwechselerkrankungen
takes the time needed, helped me a lot with my complex problem, persistent and supportive
Best doctor in town! I could not imagine a better GP: takes time, listens to you, knows both scientific and natural medicine. He is that rare kind of doctor who is interested if you approach him with some new treatment method you read about, would comment and add his insight in a helpful way. His cooperative style comes about with a strong service orientation: he would get for you the weirdest lab parameters if they can be of any help to elucidate your condition; he would take initiative to not only symptomatically treat but realy find out about reasons of your condition and attempt to treat that. Btw he speaks several languages.