Dr. med.
Carlotta Bernardoni-Tettamanti
Place of work
Via Cantonale 32, Manno Address
Via Cantonale 32, 6928 Manno
+41 91 605 29 92Searching
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Learn moreReviews for Dr. med. Carlotta Bernardoni-Tettamanti
These reviews reflect the subjective impression of a user. If there are only a few reviews, it is possible that the overall assessment is not representative.
Overall rating
Based on
1 reviews
Bond of trust
Takes concerns seriously
Information behavior
Informs comprehensively and understandably
Recommended by patients
by Verified Patient
Erkrankungen der Schilddrüse
Quando si è ammalati avere un medico così ci si sente al sicuro.
Medico che ascolta il paziente e che dedica il tempo necessario allo stesso,